Dec 28, 2012

New Years

Hey guys,
I'm soooooooooooooooo super sorry I haven't been on as much. Life has taking over ;)
So for 2013 one of my whatever they're called is to have at least 1 post per day. Fair enough? OKAY!!!!

Tangerine :)

Nov 23, 2012


Sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been busy with school, sports, other things like that. First of, 430 views, which is 124 more then I had last time I checked! Awesomeness!!! Ok, so I'd like to say WELCOME TO THE HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup, after Thanksgiving, its holiday season, at least for me.

Nov 11, 2012


Four Walls
No windows
Cold cement floors
A locked door
Shaking coming undone
Light shines through
A figure stands
Moving closer and closer
Until there is
No space remaining
Here comes the pain
The figure leaves
The light disappears
Shes left alone
Yet again
Not a tear
She sheds as
Puddles of red
Stain the
Stonecold floor
As the bruises
Start forming
Shes left to wonder
Why her
What did she do
To cause her
This horrible pain

So a girl on one of my fav websites was looking for advice on it. It's deep, but yet totally relevent to whats been in the news and happening in the country.........hhmmmmmmm..............

Tangerine :)

Question from Answerology

Question from Answerology:
A Trendsetter (Girl, 16, Philadelphia) asked:
its to end bullying because we are all girls here and we shouldn't be picking on anyone for any reason at all. we don't know what they are going through and how hat effects them and how close we are to them. just think maybe the girl you just gave a STAR award to is the girl you called ugly at some point or is maybe the girl you tease on a daily basis or maybe the girls question you just answered is someone who teases you. you never know you could be helping the one that puts you down or be elping the one that you put down. But bullying has to end here we have to make a revoultion to perhaps change the world. So i want you all to wear Blue Bracelets and if you see a girl with one point to it and if she points back she is apart of the revoltion. and for every girl that you see joins add a string to it. the strings will represent each girl that is connect and aganist bullying. the bracellets can be homade out of yarn (its easier to add the other strings to it) or baught but this has to end wit us. tell your friends so they can know to. this is my fight to end BULLYING are you going to join

Read Responses

Answer Question

Yo, girls, lets do this!!!!! I was (and currently am) bullied. Nobody deserves to feel worthless!!!! I'm going to set this up in my school, but you all have to help. Set this up in your schools too, and help end bullying.

Tangerine :)

BTW-This is on where I ask and answer questions :) so visit the site, read the responses, whatever!!!! :)

Floral Dresses

I have to admit, I love floral print dresses. But that's just me.
Hey, what type of dress do you like?? Comment below!!!!

Tangerine :)

P.S. I fix the comment so now you can comment anonymously!!!!!!

Oh No, Celeb Breakup!!

So if you haven't already been informed, Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber broke up!!! I'm still really shocked about it, and I found out last night!

Tangerine :)

1 Mile To and From

Everybody asks me if I walk to school. I say yes and they figure I walk two blocks. People I know say I probably barely could walk two blocks. Well, I walk 1 mile home from school every single day!!!! So ha!!!!

--Me, ranting

Tangerine :0

Pic of the Day!!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha...........................I'm a healthy ninja, duh!!!!! :)

Tangerine :0

Notice the different smiley face?

Quote of the Day!

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

Tangerine :) 

Song of the Day!

My bff's and I love to belt this song out during free time at school............Oddly nobody thinks we're nut-cases ;)

Tangerine :)

Aiming for 350!!!!

By Tuesday!!!! It's Sunday, FYI. So, what are you going to do? GET YOUR FRIENDS TO READ THIS BLOG!!!! Oh, and please do comment on other posts, please? :)

Tangerine :)

Yo, yo yo yo?

Hello! Its almost Thanksgiving, aka the best holiday ever!!!!!! (My opinion) and then after that, Christmas!!!!!!!!! What do you girls want this year? Whats hot? After Christmas is a bit closer I'll post a ideal wishlist.
Oh, and do you still believe in Santa?? :)

Tangerine :)

Telling your crush you like them via friend?

Do you think that's OK or not?
Personally, I don't care how awkward it would be, I would be in the same area when my friend tells him, I would be able to tell his expression, while doing something "important"
So, whats your defense? Would you or would you rather not?????????
(I am actually planning on doing what I said so, wish me luck!)

Tangerine :)

Nov 10, 2012

:) :) :) :) :)

So today, my friend texted me "Its snowing!! :)" And I read it aloud and told my dad my response (he was with me looking at laptops!!) I was all like "IKR!!!!!" And my dad stared at me and said, "I Kill Rabbits??" Yup, he's nuts. But I love him anyways!!!!!!

Tangerine :)

Questionese :)

OK, so you want to know an answer to a question about something right? And no, not your math homework. You wanna know if a certain product work or something about a relationship, etc......Well, what do you think I'm here for? I just love helping people, so, somehow contact me, preferably through a comment, and I will become magic and get you the answer!!!!! So what are you waiting for? Comment below!!!!!!!
Tangerine :)

Oh Poetry............

Oh poetry, poetry,
how I spell you wrong
I live it up to my degree you see,
oh poetry, oh poetry,
Right now I'm picking apart poetry, analyzing it, and things like that. I use to actually kind of enjoy it. NO LONGER!!!! Hahahahaha............yup, its just too deep for me!!!!

Tangerine :)


Right now, I'm having a contest (lasting as long as needed!!) to find a "sister blog"!!!!!!!! You know, a blog someone else mentions your blog on and vice versa.
CONTEST!!!!!! Rules
1.) Must OWN the blog that you will be entering.
2.) Must be WILLING to mention this blog on theirs
How to Enter:
Comment below at no more than 5 times per day OR email me no more then 5 times per day at

I will announce when the contest is closed, which will probably be by Christmas, via post.

Good luck girlies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tangerine :)

I know..................

OK people, I know that I've been neglecting this blog, but hey! Analyzing poems is hard! OK, I only had to do that at school.
So, I'd like to thank all of my wonderful readers who will just wait for a new post to pop up. AND, I would like to ask all of you to help me decide what some good post could be about!!!!!! Email me at
Or, you could comment below. I moderate all the comments, so I will know what the comment says before its actually viewable on the blog.
Thanks guys,
Tangerine :)

Song of the Day!!!


Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day!

    To find what you seek in the road of life,
    the best proverb of all is that which says:
    "Leave no stone unturned."

           Edward Bulwer Lytton

I have this one on my phone's homescreen :)

Tangerine :) 

Pic of the Day

Can you tell? I love cats!!!

Tangerine :)

Nov 9, 2012

Nov 8, 2012

Love this!!!

Right now, I'm writing this WHILE playing Wii Fit Plus. Right now, I'm playing Free Run for 30 minutes. Wish me luck :)

Tangerine :)

Song of the Day!!!

Did I post this one? Maybe..............................................................

Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day

We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls.
Winston Churchill

Tangerine :)

Pic of the Day!

Ha. Pokemon dog.

Tangerine :)

Nov 7, 2012

Songof the Day!!

Watch "Taylor Swift - I'd Lie ( lyrics)" on YouTube
Sorry I couldn't pull up the whole video, my computers on the fritz again.

Tangerine :)

Pic of the Day

For this winter season...........

Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
Mother Teresa

Tangerine :)


I couldn't help but get up at midnight and see how many views my blog has received. I'd like to take notice of 150 views the past two days and 10 minutes!! Thank you all so much. By the end of the year I would love to have had over 1000. Think you can help make that happen? Get your friends to read this blog! After 1000 maybe I just might have a special give-away................

Tangerine :)

Nov 6, 2012

Nail Art :)

Election Day is here! And even though I hate it, I still posted this! Here are the instructions to recreate this manicure! (you can also do it as a pedicure!)
What you will need
1.) Nail polish. Can be dark or light.
2.) If you chose a dark color for the main color, use a light, or vice versa. You could also use a nail art pen.

                                                     1.) Paint nails main color. Let dry.
                                                     2.) Write letters on nails with either nail art pen or nail polish. Let dry.
THERE!! You are done!!! IT looks good, doesn't it??????????????????????????????????????

Tangerine :)  

Need a little, insparation?

For haircuts? Right? I hate having to sit at the salon for hours looking through books of pictures of people whose hair looks WAY better then mine! But here, get some inspiration from from these celebs past or present hairstyles!!!!

    Natalie Portman, 2010                                                                               Selena Gomez, 2010

Taylor Swift, 2012                                                                                       Kelly Clarkson, some year

But, you can also Google it! That could also be fun!!!!

Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day!

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself. than be crowded on a velvet cushion.
--Henry David Thoreau

Tangerine :)

Pic of the Day!!

Eggs........oh eggs........

Tangerine :)

Love :)

Love. It makes the world go round, it makes everyday better. But when you are trying to get over someone, you try to escape them but they some how magically reappear everywhere you go. Like, yesterday my church posted some pictures of the junior high retreat, he was in all of them. I haven't actually seen him in forever, what feels like months. Wait, its been a month............hmmmmmm...............Well, you can't escape them, and it makes your heart warm but shrink, while crumbling all at the same time. It sucks. SO maybe you aren't really over them.............and you want to tell them how you feel? OK! Read on for the easiest way to go tell your crush, up front, that you like them :0

1.) Circle a day next week, you probably want it to be 7 days from now.
2.) On each of the days, write something positive about yourself, to give yourself a confidence boost.
3.) Figure out what you're going to say. Are you going to call them and tell them to meet you somewhere, or are you just going to walk up to them at lunch? Are you just going to say "I like you" Or are you going to give them reasons? Choose!!! Go ahead.
4.) Dress nice. Like you would any day, but make sure you look extra pretty!
5.) Don't get nervous. I know, that's hard to control, but keep in mind once you get this out you will feel so much better. Promise!
6.) In and out. If a boy doesn't respond after a few seconds, leave. No need to make that awkward!

I'll do this to my crush if you comment enough on THIS post!!! Good luck to you all!

Tangerine :)   

Song of the Day!

This is the song of the day!!! Listen to it because it could just change your life!!!!!! :)

Tangerine :)

Election Day!

Yay! NOT. The biggest day in America is here. Those of us living in the "battleground" states are being flooded with ads and commercials.
So, as most of us know, people get polled plenty of times before the main election. By these polls, others would be able to see who might get the most votes in each state. But in the "battleground" states, it was undecided and now the two presidential candidates must try and win those states over.
Well, I live in one of those states. It truly sucks. And this year...........what the ads are saying are kind of scaring me. No matter who the adults elect, I probably won't get something I might need in the future because of either candidate. BUT OH WELL!!!!!! Legalize pot and I'll not attend high school. LOL. OK, I would still attend high school, but that's not the point. The point is I hate election day.
If you could vote for any of the candidates, who would vote for??????

Tangerine :)

Nov 5, 2012


Ice Cream
French Fries

Those are some of the foods I really, really want to eat. But I can't. Currently, I am on a hair diet, skin diet, face diet, and food diet. So basically I am trying to do the best things for my beauty. I'm also doing "No Makeup November" Hehe
I want the best for my beauty, but those foods, are just so, so good!!! Same as you, huh? Well girlie, YOU CANT EAT THAT!!!! Put down the burger, sweetheart. Follow these tips to keep your face away from those fries, and you will succeed!!

1.) Take your beauty into consideration. You should be confident about what you're about to eat. If you know you shouldn't eat it then don't. Write down something that will give you that confidence boost to help you say "NO THAT IS JUNK FOOD AND IF I EAT TO MUCH I WILL WEIGH TOO MUCH AND THAT MEANS I COULD DIE!!!!!! RAWR!!!!!!!" Or you could just write that on your arm.

Yeah, that was my only tip, but you can visit websites like or any other fitness site on the world and they will definitely help :)

Tangerine :)  

Song of the Day!

Since I am a major music-lover, this is my brand new "Of The Day"!!!!! Yay!!!! I hope that the songs mentioned here will help you discover amazing new bands!!!!
^^There's the link, as well :)^^

Tangerine :)

The Split-End Myth

My mother always told me the "have no split ends!" Tips didn't work. But through the last few years I've been trying to prove her wrong. And I did! These few tips really work. They helped me grow my hair out long!! Read on!!
1.) Not brushing your hair until it is dry.
 Personally I shower at night so I pull my hair up into a messy bun and let it naturally dry.
2.) No heat whatsoever!
No straighteners, curlers, blow-dryers..............yup. You could use one for getting ready for a dance or special event, but never, ever, use on everyday.
3.) Don't use to many products.
Relaxers, dye, perms...............using them to much can totally give you split ends! See, with dye, you can dye your hair once the color is almost gone. So basically re-dye your hair once a month :)
Yeah, so currently those are the methods I've discovered are true!

Tangerine :)

Styles for the Fall!

 During this fall, has styling your outfit been hard? Yup, I know it was for me! But fear no more!!! With this guide, your fall fashion senses will be up-to-par with these IT styles!!!!!!

                                         Big, Comfy Sweaters. Now you can be comfy and in-style all season long!
                                                        Shorts, leggings and boots are a trio of easy style!
                                           Bright denim is the way to go!!!!

Well, that have better helped at least a bit!!!! :)

Tangerine :)

Da Topknot :)

1. Rake the front of your hair to one side and pull your hair into a high ponytail.
2. Wrap the ponytail around the base of the elastic, but leave one piece out. Secure your bun with a few bobby pins or/and hair tie.
3. Take the piece of hair you left out of the bun and braid it. Wrap the braid around the base of the bun and secure the style with U-shaped pins. Spray hairspray all over to keep the style looking chic all day.

Tangerine :)

BTW- I found this style on everything on this page that is theirs is theirs.

The Perfect Mask!!

We've all tried a mask to rid of acne and even out our skin tone. BUT I don't think very many of you have tried this one!!!!!!!! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

What you will need
Honey- It has to be honey.
Yogurt-Vanilla or plain. Can be greek.
Oatmeal-Plain. Anything else will make your face burn.
Tsp. -This is mandatory.
Bowl- Just any bowl will do.

1.)Put one tsp. of honey, oatmeal, and yogurt in bowl.
2.) Mix together
3.) Keep hair out of face and apply a even layer of the mixture on your face
4.) Keep mixture on for 15-20 minutes
5.) Repeat 2-3 times a week

Yay!!! It really works, I tried it myself.

Tangerine :)

BTW- I found this recipe on a different blog. I give all credit to  :)  

Whats on my smartphone!!!!

I've seen plenty of these, so I thought I should do one!!!!
I have an LG Lucid, and the app store is Google Play
Games- Papi Jump, Unblock Car, Bubble Shooter, Hill Climb Racing, Fruit Ninja, Break the Bricks, Angry Birds
Video/Audio/Picture - Air1, Adventure Time Wallpapers, CN Videos, Justin Beiber Wallpaper, TFK Official App, One Direction Wallpapers
Social Media- Facebook, Email, Gmail, Twitter, Blogger
Books- Amazon Kindle, Bible
Other Stuff I Couldn't Fit into a Category - Relax Time, My Calender, Horoscope, RedLaser

I know, I don't have much, but oh well! Hopefully this gave you a idea for what you want on your smartphone!

Tangerine :)

1.) I'm not affilated with any of these app's creators or anything
2.) The "My Calender" is my calender for you-know-what. a.k.a. DOT (that's what me and my friends call it) 

Quote of the Day

It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done
--Vincent Van Gogh

Tangerine :)

Pic of the Day

I really like pandas

Tangerine :)

Nov 4, 2012

When I Have 5 Dollars......

I get scared it will fall out of my pocket
My little brothers might still it
I could spend it on something I dislike
I worry someone could steal it from me
I stress that it is left nowhere I forget
I think I'll rip it
I stare at it for hours, keeping a close eye
I start think what I could buy with it

That's what happens when I have 5 dollars

Blue Fingers!

Oh no! I'm suffering from blue finger sickness!!!!

Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day

 Nothing that is can pause or stay;
The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
The mist and cloud will turn to rain,
The rain to mist and cloud again,
Tomorrow be today.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tangerine :)

Pic of the Day

I am hungry. Can you tell?

Nov 3, 2012

What would you like?

On this blog, what would you like to read about? C'mon, I can find out anything for you!!!! Ever wanted to read about something specific on a blog? Well, now you can, but only if you email me or leave your suggestions in the comments below!! My email is or
It will only be on this blog if you email me or leave a comment!!!!!!!!!

Tangerine :)

Love :)

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love, Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

What does it really mean?
Dictionary- A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

Other girls-  Love means that you wouldn't change anything about the other person, that you would do almost anything to keep that person in your life, and that you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

 Love means caring more about someone else's happiness than your own. It means putting the well being of someone else before yourself. It means wanting to give and do things for someone just to see the joy that it brings them.

Me- The feeling you get when you see someone you enjoy   

I feel like mine are plain compared to the other peps.

Tangerine :)


I love grapes. But something totally killed eating grapes at lunch. My school froze the green grapes. My two friends ate them, and spat them out almost instantly. Yup, so know I only eat store-bought grapes. I really only at the purple ones.................................

Tangerine :)

I am a Directioner

My favorite song by 1D :)

Tangerine :)

BTW-This is on YouTube. I don't own anything, well, expect for this blog.


My root beer volcano erupted! How else do you think Pompeii was destroyed????

Tangerine :)

The urge.......

You know. THAT one. Shopping. I promised myself I would not go shopping until I pay for the things I'm saving for. 1D concert tickets and beats (the headphones) that's over $300, sadly. I have $20 right know, but I really really really want to go shopping. Oh well........................I'll get over the urge by listening to some music!!
How do you relieve the urge to go shopping (besides shopping)???????? Comment below!!!


Thank you all for 100 views in 5 days!!!! Tell your friends about this blog, and tell them to tell their friends..............keep the chain going!!!!! :)

Tangerine :)


Its Saturday night
I feel alright
My hair is blue
It's cool to you!!

 I wrote that!
Tangerine :)


I just love cookies. They taste so good!! But what tastes better then cookies? Cookie Dough!!! My favorite type of cookie dough is chocolate chip. What's yours??

Tangerine :)


My hair smells AMAZING!!!! Wanna know why? I just dyed it with Kool-Aid!! So, want your hair to smell amazing and have a tint of color? Read on!!! (BTW-This is for dying your tips!!!)
Materials: 3-4 packets of Kool-Aid (I used 3) Same flavor, of your choice (I used grape)
Bowl-WARNING!! The Kool-Aid could stain the bowl
Hot Water-Like, really hot water. It should be steaming
2 Hair ties- Put hair tie where you want the color to stop
Spoon- Kool-Aid could also stain spoon!!!!
Tin Foil-To wrap hair in

Instructions- Put your hair up into pigtails (You will dip your hair in until the hair ties, so make it just right!!) Heat water up, not in bowl!!! Pour hot water in bowl and pour in the Kool-Aid packets in. Stir with the spoon. Set timer for 6 or more minutes and dip ONE side in until the hair tie is touching the hot water. After your timer goes off, wrap hair in tin foil. Repeat on other side. After 15-20 minutes take hair out of foil and dry it. Once it is dry it will smell good!!!!!
Do not wash hair right before or less than 24 hours later!!!

Tangerine :)

BTW-I'm not associated with Kool-Aid :)

Pic of the Day!


Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

I love Dr. Seuss :)

Tangerine :)

Blog Alert!!!

I am in love with this girls blog. Its not mine, sadly. Its called Neshikot Chamot. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to you yet, but once you visit the site and read the desriction you'll know what it means :). Ok, so she has funny stories, other links to blogs, and more!! I guarentee you'll LOVE her blog as much as I do!!!!!! (Sorry I couldn't make it a link, my computer had a freak out!!)

Tangerine :)


For some odd reason, when I'm really tired I get really hyper and talkative. The problem is I can't sleep at night. So obviously I'm very hyper and talkative a lot. Like right now, its 1:30 AM where I live. But its Friday!!!! or Saturday.........It doesn't matter.Right know I'm going get some random things about off my chest, so bare with me, please!
1.) I like lists, a lot.
2.) I love sunsets. Who doesn't?
3.) I love JB and One Direction :)
4.) My best friend is my that sad?
5.) My favorite number is 7
6.) I hate cameras
7.) I love math
8.) My heritage is 94% Scottish
9.) I want to go to NYC for college one day.
10.) I follow by the rule "Pick up your face and get over it."
11.) I have been deadly afraid of elevators since I was 5
12.) My favorite animal is cows
13.) I love to scream
14.) I wear glasses
15.) I love root beer
16.) I love hats
17.) I cannot live without music but I will not sing
18.) I walk a mile to school and a mile back everyday.
19.) I am lactose intolerate
20.) I allergic to juice
21.) I love bacon!!!!!
Well, you just learned something about me, so yay!!

Tangerine :)

IB boring!

I go to a International Baccalaureate (IB)  school where we basically learn about other cultures and stuff. Everyone is all like, "Ohhhhhhh Ancient Egypt is so cool!!!" And I'm in the back playing with my Celtic protection necklace (I'm Celtic) thinking, "Can we learn about something else now? This isn't on the test......." Luckily the science fair kids had a root beer float (Everybody loves root beer floats there for some reason)  during that period, so I was saved from the mummies!!!!!!
So I was wondering, why do you people find Ancient Egypt so interesting?

Tangerine :)

Nov 2, 2012


So you just broke up with something sucks. But there are some seriously good things about being single. Wanna know what they are? THESE!!!!!! LOOK DOWN!!!!!!
1.) You can flirt with anyone and not feel bad
 2.) You can look at guys and say if they are hot or not without feeling guilty
3.)  You'll feel free and like you aren't held back from anything
4.) Don't have to be comitted
5.)  You're free to do whatever you want to do, you don't have to take the other persons feelings into consideration
6.) You can hang out with your girlfriends more
7.)  You can get dolled up and get guys numbers
DUH!!!!! Being single is the best time in your life, so don't spend it eating a pint of ice cream while watching those cheesy movies!!!

Tangerine :)


Music is like, my life. With no music, I would surely be dead. OK, not dead, but close to it! I like some crazy bands, in a bunch of different genres. Looking for some music? Well, you came to the right place!! The next few minutes of your life will be completely devoted to reading my favorite bands and their songs! Muhahahahaha!!!!!
Eleventyseven- Prom Song, Evil Genius, MySpace, More Than a Revolution
Take Captive The Captain- Whoa There Cowboy, Omega, What We Had
Flyleaf- All Around Me, Again, Fully Alive, New Horizons, Chasm
One Direction- Live While We're Young, What Makes You Beautiful, More Than This
Justin Beiber- Boyfriend, As Long As You Love Me, Down to Earth
Katy Perry- Teenage Dream, Wide Awake, Dressin' Up, Part of Me
Maroon 5- Payphone, One More Night, Moves Like Jagger, She Will Be Loved
Taylor Swift- We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Pictures to Burn, I'd Lie
Carly Rae Jepsen- Call Me Maybe, Tug of War, Bucket, Good Time ft. Owl City
Lady Gaga- Paparazzi, Poker Face, Bad Romance, Just Dance ft. Colby O'Donis
 The Wanted- Chasing the Sun, Glad You Came, Lightning
Dubstep Remixes of Popular Songs- Paradise, Somebody I Use To Know, Party Rock Anthem, Glad You Came
Alicia Keys- Girl On Fire, If I Ain't Got You, No One
Beyonce- One Plus One, Halo, If I Were a Boy

Hopefully that'll keep you entertained for a bit :) I spent two hours finding and listening to these songs, while writing this.

Tangerine :)

BTW- I am not affiliated with any of these artists, and I'm not paid for my opinions :) That would be a cool job though....... 
  Dubstep Magic
Most amazing drop ever!!!  

Quote of the Day!!

Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.
--Denis Waitley
Tangerine :)

Pic of the Day

I hope today isn't Tuesday.......
Tangerine :)

Nov 1, 2012

Isn't it amazing........

I find it amazing that my mother can read my mind. I start talking about my two friends who like each other (or at least one does). Then she'll ask a question, stare at me for a few seconds and say the answer. Is it just like a mother- daughter thing? Now I'm curious....... does any of your mom's do that? Respond in the comments below!

Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day!

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
--James Baldwin
It is true!!

Tangerine :)

Pic of the day!

OMG the momma cat is using her kitten as a teddy bear!!!!!!! LOL

Tangerine :)

Oct 31, 2012

Halloween, already?

I know, it's hard to believe its THAT season already. Thanksgiving is literally only 3 weeks away!!! That means Christmas is only about 7. So I guess it's time to start thinking about presents. Joy. But 'tis the season to save money with these presents you can surely make yourself! So, go one and read!
1.) Bracelets. But not just 1, a few. One year I made enough for about 50 people and split them up between 10 people.
2.) Give them your old stuff. Like designer purses you don't carry or a few barely-worn pairs of jeans. Something like that.
3.) Know how to crochet/knit? Well than make them something!
4.) Painting/nice drawing. We all have markers/paints/colored pencils and paper, don't we? Just draw something you're good at, like I am amazing on trees :)
5.) Paper stockings. Just search on the Internet origami stockings. Then stuff one with funny sayings or little paper flowers.
6.) Homemade wrapping paper! It's not hard to do, just draw something on a piece of paper. You could also use the comics out of the newspaper.
7.) Tags. There are billions of templates online, just look up a few and print 'me out!
So, those weren't very many tips, but you can make it more by adding some of you're tips in the comments below!

Tangerine :)

Quote of the Day

Out of every 100 men
10 shouldn't even be there
80 are just targets
9 are the fighters and we're lucky to have them for they make the battle
Oh but the One, the One is the warrior and he will bring the others back
That applies in everything, girls.

Tangerine :)

Funny pic of the day!

Look at da moose!

Tangerine :)

Top Five :)

Top Five time! Right now, I'm going to go through my makeup and list my Top Five essentals you should have. Let's get started :)
1.) Lip Gloss. I have maybe twenty tubes. I'm a lip gloss junkie, for sure.
2.) Concelar, all the way!
3.) Mascara. I like brown more than black, but all I have is black.....oh well.
4.) Eye Shadow. Don't wear a crazy dark colored red, or you'll get called vampire, I know I did........
5.) Blush. Yup, blush.
So obviously that is my list. So yeah......... :)

Tangerine :)

Book of the Week

So, starting right now, I will read one book a week that YOU suggest and I'll write a review, right here on this blog. :) So this weeks book is............(drum roll)..............The Princesses of Iowa by M. Molly Backes!!! Ok, this is my review!! 
    The Princesses of Iowa is a gripping tale of future homecoming nominees and their breaking friendship. A happening of a bad event after their junior year, three best friends drift apart, and so do their lives. And somewhere in senior year, one will realize who shes really is and the person she is suppose to be with.
I'm not the best at this yet, but I hope you read it!!

    Tangerine :)

BTW-I'm not affilated with the author or publisher and

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween folks! My second favorite holiday is here! Today, I'm extremely excited to say, is the day we all go annoy our neighbors begging for sugar. It makes me hyper just thinking about it!! The only problem is that its Wednesday, so we all have to go to school tomorrow. ;( I feel so sorry for the teachers, really. But, I have five questions I would like you to answer. (I will to)
1.) What are you dressing up as?
2.) Are you trick or treating?
3.) Have you (or are you) going to a Halloween party?
4.) What's your fav candy?
5.) What's your least fav?
I'll post mine in a bit!
Tangerine :)
BTW- Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!

Oct 30, 2012


Once and a while we all get cravings for junk food, mostly chocolate. Here's mine
Mexican food- I LOVE TACOS, and thats the truth. Over the summer I ate mexican food everyday, and I tried almost all the local places.
Candy corn- Normally around Halloween I can't stop thinking about them! Its amazing that I love them so!
Tea- I think I might be Brittish :)
CHOCOLATE- What teenage girl isn't?
In the comments below put your top cravings :)

Tangerine :)

Trend of the Week

From now on, I'll be posting a different trend each week with a story on how I discovered the trend. So smile and read on!
On a stupid Monday, I walked into the lunchroom. All of my jeans were in the wash, so I was wearing short shorts with leggings and boots. I got my lunch, like any normal person would, and walked over to my seat. My friends and I always sit in the same seats, every day. So I start sitting down, and some girl walks up to me and is all like, "Like your outfit, I never thought a shy one would be so instyle!" and the girl walks away. My friend looked at me and was all like, "Welcome to the world of style Tangerine!"
So this weeks trend is...........shorts with leggings and boots! On that specific day I was wearing green plaid shorts with black leggings and beige boots I got for Christmas last year.

     Tangerine :)

BTW-I'm not paid by anyone for my opinions, and that story is as true as.............well, as true as something.

Best "Get Over You" Songs

We all have been sad and depressed after a bad break-up, but listening to sad songs isn't going to help. The past is the past, and these songs help you get over your past relationship!

Song 1.) Pictures to Burn -Taylor Swift
Song 2.) We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together -Taylor Swift
Song 3.) Good Time -Owl City ft Carly Rae Jepsen
Song 4.) Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson
Song 5.) If You Can't Hang -Sleeping With Sirens
Song 6.) Better Than Revenge -Taylor Swift
Song 7.) Potential Breakup Song -Aly & Aj
Song 8.) 50 Ways To Say Goodbye -Train
Song 9.) She's So Mean -Matchbox Twenty
Song 10.) Gonna Get Over You -Sara Bareilles
Song 11.) What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
Song 12.) Part of Me -Katy Perry
Song 13.) Forget You -Ce Lo Green

Have a favorite break up song? Mention it in the comments!

Tangerine :)

BTW-I don't any of these songs (duh!) I'm not being paid for my opinions


I walk around at school, look around, and see girls with bright colored hair. One had hot pink highlights and another had a blue streak. So today I decided to post the most common colors and best brands + bright colors girls think look good with certain natural colors! So, read on..

Most Common Colors for Highlights
Pink-You know, that pink that isn't too light but isn't too dark
Blue-Dark blue, but not navy
Red-No, not the natural-looking red, the bright blood-like red
Purple-Like the color of the crayon, you know?

Best Brands
Splat-Everyone I know uses it. See, its suppose to stay for a few weeks but it lasts months, so they say.
Manic Panic-I hear its good, and lots of people use it and say its amazing and cheap, and it has good colors.
Kool-Aid-Its the cheapest at home dye there is!! I'm going to use it even.

Best Colors with Hair Colors
Blonde-Cotton candy blue or pink, light purple, light green, red
Dirty blonde- Cotton candy blue or pink, purple, red, bright pink, dark blue, dark green
Strawberry blonde-red, blue, yellow, pink
Red-blue, pink, purple, light green
Brown- purple, green, pink, blue, red, yellow
Black- purple, blue, red, green, pink

Tangerine :)

BTW- I'm not affiliated with any of these brands and I'm not paid for my opinions.